Wednesday, November 12, 2014

How Online Writers Can Help Fight Breast Cancer

Your writing skills can help fight breast cancer.  Freelance writing and online writing are splendid avenues to advocate breast cancer awareness and spread breast cancer facts.  Not only will it educate the world about the signs of cancer, it can turn online writing and freelance writing into powerful tools to motivate people living through breast cancer to continue the fight.  Moreover, it will help influence people all over the world to take a more active stance on breast cancer treatment, prevention and cancer research in general. 

You are not asked to find a cure for cancer or become a guinea pig for cancer research.  You are not even asked to donate a limb for cancer treatment.  But you can make a difference by doing what you love – online writing and freelance writing. 

Here’s how writers like you can help change the world…

Advocate breast cancer awareness

Whatever writing skills or writing styles you may have you can use them to educate the world about cancer.  Awareness is a critical ingredient in fighting breast cancer.  Many may have heard or even read and seen information about it.  You can expand the reach of information.  Whether you are diagnosed with it or not, you live in a world riddled with cancer.  Spreading literacy about cancer awareness is a critical start. 

·         You can write about what is cancer and how it can affect you particular niche and target audience
·         You can share information about how your group can help advocate cancer treatment
·         You can suggest ways you and your group can support cancer foundations and cancer research in your area
·         You can provide comforting essays or articles that cancer patients and their families can read
·         You can write about cancer fighting foods, signs of cancer, or provide synopsis of the latest cancer research so people will know.

Building awareness is an important ingredient if we want to win the fight against breast cancer.  We need all the people to come on board and help spread the word.  And the word is fight breast cancer.

Get others in on the action

As an online writer you have an enormous influence on your readers.  You can reach out to a wide array of audience from different countries.  Moreover, you can reach out to people with different backgrounds, beliefs, experiences and all sorts of uniqueness.  And this is critical when educating the world about breast cancer and cancer in general. 

·         Encourage breast cancer survivors to share their experiences in your blogs and sites
·         Interview medical professionals, health workers, survivors, friends and family about breast cancer awareness, treatments and research
·         Solicit suggestions on how to battle breast cancers from different fronts – from schools, businesses, church organizations and even social networking sites
·         Get your readers to share their ideas about breast cancer
·         Have your readers write down words of encouragement for people living through cancer and their families
·         Help turn your readers and followers into warriors against breast cancer by encouraging them to motivate others and become a source of strength for breast cancer patients and the families
·         Encourage the world to become blessings to others

Although writing about it and spreading the word can help but you can do more by getting people to become active warriors against breast cancer.  Use your writing skills and whatever writing styles you prefer to get people hooked on becoming blessings to others.

Cancer awareness and getting people active in the fight against this awful illness are simple ways online writing and freelance writing can make a difference.  The signs of breast cancer are becoming clearer to more people now.  And with continuous research on breast cancer treatment, we can win against this dreaded ailment.  Obviously this is not finding a cure for cancer but it is surely an effort worth doing.

You have to power to change the world.

If you have a related link I encourage you the help spread it around.  Start by sharing it with us here.

Image by PDPics cc-0 via Pixabay  

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