Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Geek Stuff That Will Make Online Writing More Lucrative

You can earn more online cash through some geek stuff.  Does this sound interesting to you?  Don’t worry I am not here to sell any online programs or force you to learn the 1’s and 0’s of the digital world.  Rather, I am here to tell that excellent online writing skills can get you a decent stream of online income.  But you can boost your earning potential by employing these geeky and techy strategies.  Earning online through online writing will become more lucrative if you know rudimentary online geek principles.

Meta tags

Depending on the site you are using, meta tags may be a priority or not.  But if you want to increase your viewership you need to learn how to make money online through the use of meta tags.  Simply put, these tags are codes written to describe your page.  It allows search engines to know more about your page and thus give it more mileage when searches are done.  At this point, you don’t have to learn how to do HTML or XML since there are sites out that that help you generate the needed tags.  Google Webmaster tools offer a very simple way to do this by highlighting parts of your site and identifying them as “title”, “author”, “categories” and others.  When you use tags you give your articles a better chance of being found online.  The additional media mileage can translate to more views and more online income for you.


I am pretty sure you have heard about keywords.  Writing online is a bit trickier since apart from writing exemplary articles, you need to incorporate keywords that will make your article easier to find.  Suffice to say, keywords are strings of words that people use to search the internet.  Some keywords are more popular than others.  This means choosing the right keywords will make you site more visible to the users.  Placing keywords in strategic areas like the title, first few sentences of your article and even at the end can help increase your visibility.  Be cautious though!  Stuffing your article with keywords can be interpreted by search engine as spam.  Target around 6% keyword density just to be on the safe side.

Site submission

After writing an article, most online writers simply share them on social networks.  Although this is a good start, you can add a better way for search engines to find your page and site.  You can submit your URL directly to the search engines.  When search engines crawl your site and URL, they will determine the best places and instances for them to share your URL when a user searches the net.  Submitting a site does not automatically guarantee that the search engine will crawl your site or URL.  You need to give it some time.    

Submit a Sitemap

A sitemap is a file that shows your website and its pages.  The simplest one just lists the pages that you have.  Some sitemaps even have a way for search engines to determine the changes and modifications you made to the pages.  Submitting a sitemap to search engines will increase the understanding on search engines on what your pages and site is all about.  There are numerous ways to make a sitemap – from a simple txt file to XML.  For now, it may interest you that there are many free sites that offer you sitemap generation services. 

When you want to maximize earning online, it is prudent to widen your knowledge.  By learning how to make money online through the technical aspect of the internet, you give yourself a better chance to online success.  You can start with automated services for now.  But when you get the hang of these geeky and techy aspects of earning online, you can explore them deeper.  Online writing is a good start in making money.  Couple with these additional skills and knowledge, you can put your online success at a faster pace.

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image by 30754 CC-0 via Pixabay

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