Wednesday, December 17, 2014

How To Choose The Best Home Security System

It is frustrating to find yourself looking at a wide array of home security systems and come out oblivious at how to choose the best one.  It usually comes down to your budget.  But there are many other h=factors to consider.  To aid you in buying the best security system, here are some home security tips that you should keep in mind.

Property to protect

You may not give it much thought but the layout of your property – both inside and out plays a huge factor in your decision to buy surveillance systems or alarm systems at home.  Think of it this way, the number of CCTV cameras that you will put will be influenced by the shape, dimension; number of corners or even elevation of your property.  So it is a wise move to draw a layout of your property and plan what you want to place.

Some home security practical tips:
  • As much as possible, never have a blind spot in your surveillance camera position.  An overlap between field of views would be a good move.
  • Should you have gaps or blind spots, make sure you install another alarm system in that area
  • The range of the device is very important.  Even if you have a system in place, in a particular area, if the range is beyond its capabilities, then you are left vulnerable.  (e.g. getting high resolution cameras vs low resolution ones for a particular area of your home.
  • Mix and match visible CCTV cameras and hidden video surveillance units.  People who scope your house will know where your cameras are located.  This is why adding some that are hidden can be wise.  Dummy cameras can also work.
  • Many surveillance systems are easily beaten because of the camera angle.  By simply wearing a cap or avoiding looking up, you fail to identify people.  This is why it is important to study camera location, camera ranges and camera angels.  The capability of your surveillance devices should be able to cope with different situations.  If not, multiple devices maybe put in place.

Ease of installation and maintenance

The best home security system is one that you can rely on with little intervention.  This includes everything from setting up to data storage and even retrieving information.  Since many alarm system and surveillance systems are now using wireless technology and even internet capabilities check if you can get the installation fees for a discounted price.  Moreover, repair and maintenance of the devices should be minimal so that you do not have to worry about the system protecting your home.  In addition, warranties must be in place just to make sure you are covered.

Many home security companies provide an all in one service from mapping out your needs to repair and maintenance of your home security system.  But you need not spend a fortune in these alarm system and surveillance companies.  There are DIY home security kits that you can get.  Moreover, there are tech guys who can install them for you.

Practical Home security tips:
  • It is prudent to know the power source of the device that you will install.  Moreover, it is a good idea to know if any power backups are available to ensure that you are protected even during power outages.
  • If you opt for a wireless system, make sure that you use a secure router for your security system.
  • Many home surveillance systems can be accessed through the internet.  This gives you the chance to check up on your home even if you are away.  Just remember to change the default password to a strong one that you can remember.  Furthermore, regularly change the password to add some additional layer of security.

Value for money

It is easy to be deceived by highly sophisticated home alarm systems.  Of course you would think that a more expensive system can give you better protection.  But the truth is, it is all about value for money rather than cost.  You can have simple yet an effective security system at half the cost of high end products in the market.  Likewise, sometimes it is more cost effective to install them yourself especially those that are easy to put up.  Moreover, maintaining and repairing the system should be a good part of your plan.  When upgrades are needed, your system should allow for some changes without compromising your home’s security.

Value for money is a mix between the efficacy of the home security system in place, the amount you have to dish out and ease of the system to run and maintain.  Compromises especially with the security of your home and family are not a risk you should take.

Practical home security tips:
  • Consult different manufacturers to determine which system is best for you.
  • Search the internet for forums about the pros and cons of a particular security system to hel you decide
  • For DIY home security kits, you may want to consult the manufacturer for additional information should you have any question about the kit.
  • It would be a good idea to consult an electrician and other professionals before adding more load to your electrical system.

It seems a long process to actually decide which one to get.  But when you have your eye on specific areas of your security plan, it will become easier.  Do not spend more than what is necessary and more importantly, vigilance and common sense are the best protection for your home and family.

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image by 2allmankind CC-0 via Pixabay

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