Thursday, November 27, 2014

Self Defense Principles to Avoid Abductions

Everyone’s safety and security is important.  This becomes doubly true if you talk about people you love.  With the news of abductions, it is prudent to take more safety and security precautions.  Taking martial arts classes is a good way to arm yourself with the right skills and knowledge.  However, not everyone can enroll in a martial arts class in order to learn self defense principles to avoid abductions.  So the next best thing is to share these very important principles in order to avoid untoward incidences.  Keep these self defense principles and keep yourself safe.

Abduction situations

Perpetrators of this scary act usually take the necessary measure to execute the crime.  They usually look for specific situations to avoid interruption and detection.  Let’s dissect these and consider what you can do:

A critical component - Low bystander intervention

Perpetrators of this crime look for places where there is minimal or no bystanders that can intervene.  Places like dark alleys and isolated parking area are great examples.  Likewise, the time t which the abduction will take place is a factor.  There are some areas where there is high foot traffic but during certain times of the day, there is little or none.

What you can do:
  • Whenever possible, walk with someone
  • Be mindful of the surroundings
  • When situations become high risk for abduction or assault, be more vigilant
  • Know the nearest areas for help – nearest police station, convenience store, a place with security personnel or an area where there are more people

Self defense principles that can improve your safety and security

Abductions usually happen in two phases.  First, is where the assailant gets you from where you are and then takes you to a more secured location.  The idea here is that point A may have bystanders that can intervene.  On the other hand, point B is a more secured place where the abductor can do as he/she pleases.

Martial arts classes do not just teach you how to use your body to defend yourself.  Rather, martial arts lessons include acquiring the right mindset.  Different fighting styles have varied self defense strategies.  But, most if not all place high importance on your attitude during high risk situations so you will survive. 

Here are some self defense principles that can help avoid abductions:

Delay the abductions

For an abductor, every second counts. This is why he has to move quickly in order to avoid detection or even by stander intervention.  In order for you to avoid being abducted, you need to make it difficult for the person to take you from point A to point B.

Alert others.

Even if you think you are alone, it is a good idea to make some noise.  Whether it is shouting for help, knocking down whatever you can or just shouting your heart out can help.  

Assume a defensive mindset (and an offensive one if needed)

When you are being abducted, your primary goal is to escape.  With this in mind, it is beneficial to you if you assume a defensive attitude.  This means wiggling out of holds and grabs, taking on a posture that is more difficult for the person to move you from one place to another.  If the situation calls for a more aggressive approach, do not hesitate to put in come scratches, bites or even low blows.  This is not an MMA fight where you can get disqualified.  This is life or death.

Run away whenever you can

Believe it or not, many martial arts styles believe in avoiding confrontations.   So take this idea and run whenever you can.  If there is an opening for you to scurry like a rodent, then take it.   

The truth is you cannot always have a high vigilance mode.  You need to live and enjoy life.  However, identifying situations that are high risk is essential to avoid abductions and assault.  It is during these times that you need to be more vigilant.  
Having knowledge and proficiency in martial arts styles can add to your protection.  However, not everyone has the martial arts training or even the time to attend martial arts classes.  But with these self defense principles in mind, you can protect yourself or the people you love. 

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image by PublicDomainPictures CC-0 via Pixabay

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