Thursday, November 27, 2014

What Is The Best Martial Arts Style For Self Defense?

This is a question that many people ask on the topic of martial arts and self defense.  I can name many fighting styles however I cannot conclusively tell you which one is the best martial arts style there is.  The main reason is that each style has its own merits.  Moreover, these styles can vary differently in their philosophy and applications.  But, here are some important factors that can help you choose which one you should pick as the best martial arts style.


Some take martial arts lessons as a sport.  On the other hand, some learn different fighting styles as a means to survive.  For example, Tae Known Do is one the most popular martial arts for all ages.  Of course this was designed as a lethal art.  Although it is still used as such, many schools and clubs train students for competition.  In addition, the practice of judo has changed through the years as more and more techniques are no longer given much importance as they are banned in competitions. 

Surely you can use these martial arts whether you are in a competition or in a real life situation.  But it would be a good idea to be clear why you want to learn self defense.   

Ground fighting vs stand up fighting

My initial back ground in self defense includes Judo, Jiu Jitsu and Aikido.  These fighting styles are practically cousins.  From Jiguro Kano’s introduction of Judo to Morihei Eushiba’s Aikido, similarities as well as differences emerge.  I enjoyed Judo for its detailed throwing techniques and Jiu Jitsu’s ground techniques.  Aikido on the other hand gave me a sense of balance with the fluidity of the techniques.  Although I enjoyed these martial arts styles, I felt that I need to learn something else.  This is when Krav Maga caught my attention.  This is a very practical street fighting style that has been used effectively and efficiently.  The methodical use of the body as a defensive tool and an offensive weapon appealed to me. 

Understanding whether you want to focus on ground fighting or stand up fighting is important.  However, many are now mixing and matching different fighting styles.  The world of mixed martial arts or MMA has proven that mastery in both ground fighting and stand up techniques is recommended. Martial arts lessons are now morphing into mixed martial arts classes that provide students with different capabilities and competencies.

Spiritual vs physical

Many martial arts have a spiritual component in them.  Philosophies that tap into the one’s relationship with the world around them is a key component in mastery.  A good example is the concept of Seishi and taeshi of Aikido.  The difference between “living calmness” and “dead calmness” reflects the importance the martial art gives on being one with “ki”.  Living calmness promotes awareness in one’s surrounding while dead calmness is being blind to what goes on around you.  Being able to merge one's self with the world around is fundamental part of this self defense.  Many are drawn into the spiritual side of martial arts. 

On the other hand, there are those who focus on the physical component of the fighting styles.  The focus on proper body mechanics, efficiency of strikes, conservation of energy and the like are the primary focus.  This can be seen in the amount of attention to the movements of the body and reflexive action when engaged with an opponent. 

What is amazing is that martial arts have these aspects to help you master the techniques.  However, there are some that focus more on one than the other. 
The perfect martial art simply addresses your needs at a particular time.  Different situations call for specific strategies.  Or course there will be limitations for each fighting style that is why some opt take different martial arts classes.  Of course some would argue that mastering one is good enough.  But I’ll just leave that to your discretion.  Suffice to say, the best martial arts technique is one that you can fully utilize at the moment.  Moreover, it should be the one that you are comfortable doing, as well as willing to take responsibility for your action should you decide to use it.

If you have a related link on martial arts or self defense share it here with us

image by PDPics CC-0 via Pixabay

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