Wednesday, December 10, 2014

How Not To Waste Your Time on Online Writing

The internet has become a haven for online writers.  Although there are many easy ways to make money online, writing has become one of the favorites of many.  This money-making endeavor has become a work at home stint for some and it has morphed into an industry that rivals other online work.  However many waste their time on the internet writing countless of articles.  These are people who after so much effort still can’t get a decent online income.  Online writing is more than just hitting the keyboard and publishing on the internet.  Learning how to make money online requires sound strategies that you can do right now.

Revenue sharing vs. your own blog

If you want to start earning online through writing, you’d better decide where you will publish your work.  A popular option is to join a revenue sharing site where you can publish and earn.  Popular revenue sharing sites offer its members and writers cash for publishing articles in their site.  Some revenue sharing sites pay based on the number of views your article gets.  Some offer online income even for the number of comments you receive.  What is essential is that you know tha parameters for your payment so you can tweak articles to maximize your online profits. 

Another option to earn money from writing is to set up your own blog.  Unlike revenue sharing sites, you have total control of what you can publish and all the income goes to you.  The down side is that it may be harder to get people to view your blog without extra effort.  The upside is that there are many free blog sites where you can set up yours in just minutes. 

IF you are just starting, it would be prudent to join a revenue sharing site first so you can get the feel for online writing. Moreover, it will help you gain more connections that you can eventually tap when you do choose to have your own blog.

Choose a niche

You must have heard this online writing tip hundreds of times now.  But focusing on a niche is important.  There are millions of people viewing and searching information on the net.  The question is how to get these people to view your articles.  The best way is to focus on a particular group and write about what interests them.  It would be a wise move to publish online articles that reflects what you know.  By doing this, you’d have easier time sharing information and relating with other people with the same reference in topic. 

Of course you can write about different topics but it would be a wise move to start with what is close to your heart. 

Write well

More than just observing grammar; writing well means providing relevant and practical information to your readers.  Moreover, it underscores the importance of depth and breadth of information that you can share with others.  This entails a lot of reading and research in your part.  Having access to the latest information and trends will offer you better insight on what to write.  Moreover, this will give you a better understanding on how to write it in such a way more people will be interested.

SEO and Keywords matter

One of the key factors in learning how to make money online is to understand the importance of SEO and Keywords.  Writing online can provide financial success if you can get more people to read your articles.  Search Engine Optimization as well as using the right keywords will help you do this.  In a nutshell, SEO and keywords gives you greater chances of popping up in search results.  The idea is when search engine shows your article more people will have easy access to your work.

Promote and share your articles

In order to get a decent income from online writing, you should not be passive.  Publishing and waiting for people to drop is not a sound step.  Rather, take a bold move and showcase your online work on social networks.  This will ensure wider exposure and improve your online earning.  But there is a thin line between sharing and blatantly spamming.

Write and write some more

New content is important to get noticed.  The more you write about the topics you love, the more that people will notice.  First, this will help establish your self as an expert on the subject.  Also, continues writing will help hone your skills.  And when you write better, more people will take notice.  It is important that you take the time to write and publish consistently so that your readers will have something new to look forward to when visiting your work.

Online writing is one of the most lucrative activities on the internet.  But it takes someone with dedication inn order to get the pay offs they want.  Moreover, this is not a get-rich quick scheme so do not rush it.  Just building your connections and networks can take time.  But when you do, you are rewarded for your efforts.  Financial success is within reach when you do not waste time – especially with online writing.

If you have a similar or related link about online writing share it here.

image by condesign CC-0 via Pixabay

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