Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Secrets to Increase Your PTC Earnings

There are many ways to make money online.  Although one of the most popular ways is to write a blog or become a freelance writer, there are other ways to earn online.  One such method of online work at home gig that you can do is PTC.  Paid to click online opportunities abound on the net.  But it can be a tiresome task and the income usually comes in trickles.  But there are ways to improve your PTC earnings and really earn the big bucks of this online work at home opportunity.

Is PTC worth it?

Just imagine getting $ 0.001 for every click that you make.  To get a measly dollar you need 1,000 clicks.  Usually, it takes around 5 seconds to 30 seconds before each click is validated and credited to your account.  That is 30,000 seconds before getting a dollar!  To put it in perspective, that is more than 8 hours of nonstop clicking and viewing just to reach a buck.  What’s annoying is that there is a minimum threshold that you have to reach before you can payout for your work. Now is this worth t?

The simple answer is hell no!  That is why many PTC sites offer additional features that can increase your earnings.  Moreover, there are strategies that you can do so that your time is used wisely.

Affiliate program

At the top of the list to improve your PTC earning is to take the affiliate programs of the PTC site seriously.  PTC sites usually have affiliate programs where you earn extra cash from the people that sign up using your affiliate code or link.  Some have sign up bonuses for you.  Others have a guaranteed amount once your “recruit” reaches a minimum amount.  Also, there are upgrade bonuses should your recruit decides on upgrading his or her account.

What you can do:

  • Advertise your PTC site while using your affiliate code.  Just be careful as not all social networking sites allow affiliate codes.
  • Whenever possible, check up on your recruits to help them earn more.  Remember, the more they earn, the more extra cash you get.

Additional tasks

Many PTC sites are now offering additional tasks like online surveys, free to try or download offers, tasks or gigs to complete and the like.  These tasks usually have equivalent points or credits that will make you earn faster.  What is important is you get updated and act immediately so that you are the first one to accomplish the tasks. 
Clixsense offers additional online tasks for more cash

What you can do:

  • Have a schedule of checking on the additional tasks that your PTC site is offering
  • Choose only the tasks that you can accomplish
  • There are some free download items, demo apps or something similar that you can participate in.  Just make sure you participate at your own risk.  Choose the items to download carefully

Do it as a no-brainer task while doing something else

PTC at its barest sense is very simply.  Just click and wait and that can earn you extra cash online.  So instead of just wallowing your time doing nothing, clicking on some ads and links can earn you more cash. 

Participate in the PTC site’s games or challenges

Many PTC sites offer games and challenges so that you have some sort of target for the day.  One PTC that I know of have challenges like hitting a minimum number of clicks along with accomplishing certain number of tasks and offers.  Once completed, you can get additional cash.  All it takes is managing your activities in order to accomplish the challenges.

Advertise your Links on the PTC site

Many individuals who use PTC sites advertise their affiliate links.  You become an advertiser and not just a person who clicks ads.  This is why many PTC sites offer ad placements to their members.  Another strategy that is commonly used to advertise one’s affiliate links is to sign up for several PTC sites.  You can advertise one PTC site on the other using your affiliate link.  However, be careful not to sign up on too many sites as you may lose track.  Having a couple of sites that you religiously visit and carefully manage will work best.

Learning how to make money online through PTC can be lucrative.  Although at first glance this online earning opportunity seems to be a waste of time, you can still improve the amount you get.  PTC is not for everyone.  But it beats doing something and getting a little more than not getting at all.  Likewise, with a couple of tweaks on the way you accomplish your PTC tasks, you can expect to more on this online earning strategy.  Financial success rests on exploring different avenues of earning.  Sometimes, what seems to be a waste of time can turn out to be really profitable.

if you have any online earning links share it here

image by OpenClips CC-0 via Pixabay

1 comment:

  1. Nice friend !
    Visit back and dont forget to leave a comment.


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